Most of us love GOD, and deem him as our lord and savior, while others may not be firm believers in GOD period.
However, we wanted to put the what "if'" GOD was to the test and get you thinking a bit.
1. What if GOD was a manic murderer, that couldn't be stopped?
2. What if GOD was a super-freak, that was a straight nympho who smoked crystal meth, and slept with everything and everyone?
3. What if GOD was a hardcore and senseless pedophile that raped every child he saw and no one could stop him?
4. What if GOD was a stalker, and followed you around all the time, so could eventually kill you because he could.
5. What if GOD was a gay man, and slept with your pastor, your son and your husband?
6. What if GOD was an identity thief that stole your life and bought fancy cars and diamond jewelry?
7. What if GOD was a transvestite and paid money to have his ass injected so he could look better as a woman?
8. What if GOD used you for your money and told you to shut the fuck up so he could go spend it on his bitches?
9. What if GOD was an arsonist and burned down all the churches so he could build strip clubs and have rappers like Rick Ross, Jay Z, and Young Jeezy throwing money up like the party will never end?
10. What if GOD came to you and told you he loved you, but wanted you to join a swinging party so he could fuck you and other bitches?
11. What if GOD had AIDS and then had sex with you and gave it to you, and you had to live with it forever?
12. What if GOD was a pimp, and sold your teenage daughter into prostitution, so he could make lots of money off of your baby?
13. What if GOD told you he hated you, and then shot you in the head?
14. What if GOD was a porn addict, and sat and looked at naked women online all day have hot sex with different dudes all while masturbating to hip hop music?
15. What if GOD was a teacher at the high school where your child attended, and started having sex with your son/daughter, all while smiling in your face?
16. What if GOD was your church pastor who was gay and who was having sex with boys and then preached about it in vivid details on Sunday?
17. What if GOD helped your daughter or son commit suicide and then told you it was what they wanted and it was their time to go?
18. What if GOD impregnated you multiple times with a child who has disabilities or missing limbs and then told you that's how life is?
19. What if GOD sat down next to you, and told you that everything in bible is a "lie" and then raped you on top of the bible. Then he set fire to it?
20. What if GOD called you ugly even though you weren't and then told you have to believe it because he is GOD and everything he does and says is the truth?
21. What if GOD gave you crack and told you that you had to smoke it in order to come to heaven to be with him?
*These are things that happen in our society on a daily basis. Many people deal with bad things and pray in order to find peace or closure. These people also, believe in GOD, and believe that some other force is behind these bad things that seem to happen in their lives.
It all comes down to, what you believe and if your faith is strong enough to believe that GOD is a great spirit who has a master plan, all while incorporating bad things here and there to test your faith in him.*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "21 Ways Of What "If" GOD Was..." Conversation"