(The Washington Post) Sarah Palin spoke Thursday at the Long Island Association, a business group in New York. The event was notable for the fact that Palin invited the press--something she does rarely. And it was newsworthy in that she gave another sign she might actually run for president: News reports say she hinted with a smile that someone who is good at multitasking ("a woman, a mom"), as well as someone who's already run for something ("a vice-presidential candidate?") would be most qualified for the job.
During the event, in which Palin was interviewed by the Long Island Association's president, she sounded off about presidential things--the deficit, whether or not to raise the nation's debt ceiling and President Obama's health-care reform law. And she weighed in on the debate over Obama's citizenship, reportedly saying it is "distracting. It gets annoying. Let's stick to what really matters."
But if that's what she really wants people to do, why did she crack a joke about Michelle Obama's campaign to make it easier for women to breastfeed? When the conversation turned to the escalating price of gas and groceries, Palin reportedly said, "It's no wonder Michelle Obama is telling everybody you better breastfeed your baby--yeah, you better--because the price of milk is so high right now!"
It may have just been an attempt to draw a laugh from the crowd over issues--childhood obesity and the medically proven benefits of breastfeeding--that are no laughing matter. But even though she followed up by saying "and may that not be the takeaway, please, of this speech," it has become one of them. Headlines saying that Palin was mocking Michelle Obama's attempt to make it easier for women to breastfeed have lead stories following the speech.
Who knows whether or not Palin will run for the nation's highest office. But if she does, comments like this one do little to make her sound presidential. For one, even if it was a joke, Palin was making light of something that has to do with the future of this country--the health and well-being of its children. And even if Palin spent most of the talk discussing deficits, health-care reform and foreign affairs, it's unnecessary side comments like these that will--whether she likes it or not--lead the news.
Just consider the contrast in the coverage following Palin's talk with the coverage following New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's speech at the American Enterprise Institute Wednesday. While political experts lauded Christie--who has repeatedly said he won't run for president--with praise for his straight talk and focus on the meaning of leadership during the speech, Palin's unusually open event found her the subject of much less flattering headlines.
Leaders are judged as much on what they do take the time to weigh in on as on what they don't say at all. Jumping into the debate about Michelle Obama's campaign to fight childhood obesity, and make breastfeeding easier for those women who choose to do it, may have been like throwing candy to certain elements of her base. But if she wants to sound presidential, then sticking to what really matters (as Palin puts it) without throwing in little cracks about a universally agreed-upon problem would be a lot less, in a word, distracting.
*Bad leadership, unlady-like, crazy, and a damn nut case! This chick obviously has issues. For someone like Sarah Palin who wants to runs for the highest office; taking a crack at the First Lady isn't going to win people over. She continues to think that what she says cute, down home, and right. "NOT!" If anything she's the picture of what a bad leader would be in all forms. It's fitting to say that her so-called jokes about the First Lady trying to help a nation combat obesity isn't touching anyone in a good way. If she keeps this up, she's going to be crawling back in her Alaskan hole sooner than she thinks* "SOMEBODY PLEASE SHUT THIS NUTCASE DOWN."
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Saturday, February 19, 2011
Aide planning tell-all about time with Palin!
(AP)One of Sarah Palin's trusted advisers is planning a tell-all memoir, drawing upon thousands of personal e-mails during his time with the former Alaska governor to paint what his agent calls an expose of the inner workings of her operation.

Frank Bailey rose from a campaign volunteer to administration official and figure in the "Troopergate" scandal that fixated the public's attention during Palin's vice presidential bid in 2008. A preliminary draft of the unpublished book, tentatively called "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of our Tumultuous Years," was leaked to reporters, with excerpts making the rounds on the Internet.
Messages to a Palin aide and attorney weren't immediately returned Friday.
Ken Morris, a California-based writer who worked with Bailey on the manuscript, said in an e-mail that the material is preliminary, subject to copyright protections and not authorized for use.
The New York-based Carol Mann Agency, in an e-mail promoting the manuscript, said the "revelations and insights" that Bailey offers "are more necessary than ever, as the public will seek to learn as much as possible about the woman who seems to have her sights set on the national stage."
The agency referred calls to Morris, who said that he, Bailey and co-writer Jeanne Devon did "tons of research" for the book, which still has no publisher. Devon, an Alaska blogger, is a frequent critic of Palin.
Morris said he believes the manuscript paints an accurate portrait of Palin but declined to elaborate. "I think we should leave it at that," he said.
The manuscript, which Morris said is subject to change and "may not materially reflect the eventual product," states that Palin, before resigning partway through her first term, wrote to Bailey and another aide, "I hate this damn job."
This isn't Bailey's first attempt at getting published. He has been working on a book since at least 2009, when Palin resigned. At least one previous effort fizzled. Bailey left state government shortly after Palin.
Bailey was embroiled in an investigation of Palin's firing of her police commissioner over allegations he wouldn't fire a trooper who had a bitter divorce with Palin's sister. Bailey, in a recording made public, questioned a state trooper official about why Palin's former brother-in-law was still employed.
Once Palin's friend, Bailey is now among those criticizing her.
"Since leaving the Governor's office, Frank has been forced to reconsider his actions on Palin's behalf in terms of his deep Christian faith and his allegiance to her as the standard-bearer for the conservative causes he still champions," Mann wrote in her e-mail.
Mann also describes the manuscript as "the story of one man's slow drift from his most cherished beliefs and his ultimate redemption."
Efforts to reach Bailey weren't immediately successful.
*Not surprised that this is happening. Sarah "no governor gold digging social terrorist" Palin is a hot mess! If she couldn't even stomach being Governor of Alaska, then what makes her believe being President is going be any easier. Again, this chick need to be tied up and gagged to shut her down. She isn't cut out to be President of the United States*
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Frank Bailey rose from a campaign volunteer to administration official and figure in the "Troopergate" scandal that fixated the public's attention during Palin's vice presidential bid in 2008. A preliminary draft of the unpublished book, tentatively called "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of our Tumultuous Years," was leaked to reporters, with excerpts making the rounds on the Internet.
Messages to a Palin aide and attorney weren't immediately returned Friday.
Ken Morris, a California-based writer who worked with Bailey on the manuscript, said in an e-mail that the material is preliminary, subject to copyright protections and not authorized for use.
The New York-based Carol Mann Agency, in an e-mail promoting the manuscript, said the "revelations and insights" that Bailey offers "are more necessary than ever, as the public will seek to learn as much as possible about the woman who seems to have her sights set on the national stage."
The agency referred calls to Morris, who said that he, Bailey and co-writer Jeanne Devon did "tons of research" for the book, which still has no publisher. Devon, an Alaska blogger, is a frequent critic of Palin.
Morris said he believes the manuscript paints an accurate portrait of Palin but declined to elaborate. "I think we should leave it at that," he said.
The manuscript, which Morris said is subject to change and "may not materially reflect the eventual product," states that Palin, before resigning partway through her first term, wrote to Bailey and another aide, "I hate this damn job."
This isn't Bailey's first attempt at getting published. He has been working on a book since at least 2009, when Palin resigned. At least one previous effort fizzled. Bailey left state government shortly after Palin.
Bailey was embroiled in an investigation of Palin's firing of her police commissioner over allegations he wouldn't fire a trooper who had a bitter divorce with Palin's sister. Bailey, in a recording made public, questioned a state trooper official about why Palin's former brother-in-law was still employed.
Once Palin's friend, Bailey is now among those criticizing her.
"Since leaving the Governor's office, Frank has been forced to reconsider his actions on Palin's behalf in terms of his deep Christian faith and his allegiance to her as the standard-bearer for the conservative causes he still champions," Mann wrote in her e-mail.
Mann also describes the manuscript as "the story of one man's slow drift from his most cherished beliefs and his ultimate redemption."
Efforts to reach Bailey weren't immediately successful.
*Not surprised that this is happening. Sarah "no governor gold digging social terrorist" Palin is a hot mess! If she couldn't even stomach being Governor of Alaska, then what makes her believe being President is going be any easier. Again, this chick need to be tied up and gagged to shut her down. She isn't cut out to be President of the United States*
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Check this out by: Literary Diva of Blogtalk Radio
Apple pie an oh so good treat that has turned into an American tradition of sorts. It seems to speak to so many in an American way. It’s been around forever and most deem it as a traditional tasty treat that families share after dinner. The philosophy behind it can take many turns that many may not want to revisit. The origins are not important, but the perception is too many. The high regard for this treat is like no other at dinner tables all across America. With all the hype why don’t blacks deem apple pie as their good old American treat? It’s simple in so many ways. We have to understand that when blacks were cooking they weren’t living it up in a kitchen with baking utensils and the finest baking ingredients. They had the left over’s from the main house and had to make due. At the same time whoever was in the main house baking for the lady of the house, they were baking for them and not allowed to eat it themselves. It went down that way for many years.
The philosophy of this American treat goes to many, as the all around it factor that should be pass down in every American household. It’s the thought of it that ties us all together in more ways than we think. Many are tied to it because it was a staple in their home while others are tied to it because they were made to prepare it. The ability to understand this mainstream tradition is baffling. If you weren’t apart of the main house you had nothing to do with it. However, if you were in the main house you still had nothing to do with it, but preparation. The traditions of many whites that eat apple pie and now prepare it themselves are still the same; they just don’t have or can make blacks do all the work. As far as blacks who may from time to time enjoy this tradition, they deem it as just simply food.
In the minds of blacks who see this American tradition of apple pie they see themselves getting a beat down and being raped by “massa.” Not saying that it’s not a tradition for blacks is an understatement; it’s the truth and will always be as long as there are black faces on this earth. The tradition of apple pie lays out like Christmas and Thanksgiving in America. It’s sad really, that a philosophy is put out there as if many and all have adopted it as there own. When you get right down to why apple pie is said to be an American tradition that many partake in, many don’t know why.
The apple pie and the likes of many versions of it have ruled the Americas for many years. Who came up with this shit anyway? Recalling the days of how many were made to prepare the food and not participate at the table is ridiculous and anger filled. The likes of apple pie really hitting the table of African Americans are slim, because it’s not solely their tradition when it comes to good family food. The philosophy is the ego of white America back then and white America now. There’s so much behind this treat that thinking about it get’s my mind plagued with matter of disgust. As we press on in our society of differences and somehow plan to understand why we have them, we have to get to why things are deemed as a tradition for all. The silliness factor of this whole American as American apple pie; has tortured the souls of many black ancestors and continue to torture the blacks of today. We have to realize that many of today are different and have their own traditions that are shared with family and friends. Many blacks share good old sweet potato pie as a tradition instead of mainstream apple pie.
The realization factor is very evident in how many come together and gather with family and friends and prepare good soul food that was deemed as slop, but now seen as good food prepared with love and flavor. I see a very traditional black society that has risen to many levels in America. It’s something many blacks deem as a good thing or may not depending on what level you’re on in the black community. Looking at how the American as American apple pie philosophy still plays itself out is amazing. Knowing that many came here not of their free will, but how they came to be attached to this is something very hurtful to many. Hurtful in the eyes and souls of so many that gave their lives for freedom and life, is something that plagues us everyday.
The challenge is to understand and realize that the philosophy as American as American apple pie doesn’t resonate well with people of color and will never will. At the end of the day we are all here in America, but all things aren’t as American as American apple pie.
Diva's Nation
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Apple pie an oh so good treat that has turned into an American tradition of sorts. It seems to speak to so many in an American way. It’s been around forever and most deem it as a traditional tasty treat that families share after dinner. The philosophy behind it can take many turns that many may not want to revisit. The origins are not important, but the perception is too many. The high regard for this treat is like no other at dinner tables all across America. With all the hype why don’t blacks deem apple pie as their good old American treat? It’s simple in so many ways. We have to understand that when blacks were cooking they weren’t living it up in a kitchen with baking utensils and the finest baking ingredients. They had the left over’s from the main house and had to make due. At the same time whoever was in the main house baking for the lady of the house, they were baking for them and not allowed to eat it themselves. It went down that way for many years.
The philosophy of this American treat goes to many, as the all around it factor that should be pass down in every American household. It’s the thought of it that ties us all together in more ways than we think. Many are tied to it because it was a staple in their home while others are tied to it because they were made to prepare it. The ability to understand this mainstream tradition is baffling. If you weren’t apart of the main house you had nothing to do with it. However, if you were in the main house you still had nothing to do with it, but preparation. The traditions of many whites that eat apple pie and now prepare it themselves are still the same; they just don’t have or can make blacks do all the work. As far as blacks who may from time to time enjoy this tradition, they deem it as just simply food.
In the minds of blacks who see this American tradition of apple pie they see themselves getting a beat down and being raped by “massa.” Not saying that it’s not a tradition for blacks is an understatement; it’s the truth and will always be as long as there are black faces on this earth. The tradition of apple pie lays out like Christmas and Thanksgiving in America. It’s sad really, that a philosophy is put out there as if many and all have adopted it as there own. When you get right down to why apple pie is said to be an American tradition that many partake in, many don’t know why.
The apple pie and the likes of many versions of it have ruled the Americas for many years. Who came up with this shit anyway? Recalling the days of how many were made to prepare the food and not participate at the table is ridiculous and anger filled. The likes of apple pie really hitting the table of African Americans are slim, because it’s not solely their tradition when it comes to good family food. The philosophy is the ego of white America back then and white America now. There’s so much behind this treat that thinking about it get’s my mind plagued with matter of disgust. As we press on in our society of differences and somehow plan to understand why we have them, we have to get to why things are deemed as a tradition for all. The silliness factor of this whole American as American apple pie; has tortured the souls of many black ancestors and continue to torture the blacks of today. We have to realize that many of today are different and have their own traditions that are shared with family and friends. Many blacks share good old sweet potato pie as a tradition instead of mainstream apple pie.
The realization factor is very evident in how many come together and gather with family and friends and prepare good soul food that was deemed as slop, but now seen as good food prepared with love and flavor. I see a very traditional black society that has risen to many levels in America. It’s something many blacks deem as a good thing or may not depending on what level you’re on in the black community. Looking at how the American as American apple pie philosophy still plays itself out is amazing. Knowing that many came here not of their free will, but how they came to be attached to this is something very hurtful to many. Hurtful in the eyes and souls of so many that gave their lives for freedom and life, is something that plagues us everyday.
The challenge is to understand and realize that the philosophy as American as American apple pie doesn’t resonate well with people of color and will never will. At the end of the day we are all here in America, but all things aren’t as American as American apple pie.
Diva's Nation
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The Truth About Why Men Cheat!
(REDBOOK)What makes men cheat? Marriage counselor M. Gary Neuman dug through past research on male infidelity and found that most answers came from the wife's point of view. Wouldn't it make more sense to ask the guys? he thought. So for his new book, The Truth About Cheating, Neuman surveyed 200 cheating and noncheating husbands to get at the real reasons behind men's infidelity — including what cheating men say could have prevented them from straying. Here, some of his findings:
48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated.So much for the myth that for men, cheating is all about sex: Only 8 percent of men said that sexual dissatisfaction was the main factor in their infidelity. "Our culture tells us that all men need to be happy is sex," Neuman says. "But men are emotionally driven beings too. They want their wives to show them that they're appreciated, and they want women to understand how hard they're trying to get things right." The problem is that men are less likely than women to express these feelings, so you won't always know when your guy is in need of a little affirmation. "Most men consider it unmanly to ask for a pat on the back, which is why their emotional needs are often overlooked," Neuman says. "But you can create a marital culture of appreciation and thoughtfulness — and once you set the tone, he's likely to match it."
66% of cheating men report feeling guilt during the affair. The implications are a little scary: It isn't just uncaring jerks who cheat. In fact, 68 percent of cheaters never dreamed they'd be unfaithful, and almost all of them wished they hadn't done it, Neuman says. Clearly, guilt isn't enough to stop a man from cheating. "Men are good at compartmentalizing feelings," Neuman explains. "They can hold on to their emotions and deal with them later." So even if your husband swears he would never cheat, don't assume it can't happen. It's important for both of you to take steps toward creating the marriage you want.
77% of cheating men have a good friend who cheated. Hanging around friends who stray makes cheating seem normal and legitimizes it as a possibility. The message he's subconsciously telling himself: My friend is a good guy who happens to be cheating on his wife. I guess even the best of us do it. You can't simply ban your husband from hanging out with Mr. Wandering Eyes, Neuman says, but you can request that they spend their time together in an environment that offers less temptation, like at a sporting event or a restaurant for lunch rather than at a bar or club. Another strategy: Build your social circle around happily married couples that share your values — it'll create an environment that supports marriage.
40% of cheating men met the other woman at work."Oftentimes the woman he cheats with at the office is someone who praises him, looks up to him, and compliments his efforts," Neuman says. "That's another reason why it's so critical that he feel valued at home." Luckily, there's a clear warning sign that your husband is getting a little too cozy with a colleague: If he praises or mentions the name of a female coworker more than he would a male counterpart, your antennae should go up — and it's time for the two of you to set boundaries about what is and isn't okay at work, Neuman says. Is it acceptable for him to work late if it's only him and her? Can they travel together to conferences? Have dinners out to discuss a project? Ask him what he'd feel comfortable with you doing with a male colleague.
Only 12% of cheating men said their mistress was more physically attractive than their wife.In other words, a man doesn't stray because he thinks he'll get better sex with a better-looking body. "In most cases, he's cheating to fill an emotional void," Neuman says. "He feels a connection with the other woman, and sex comes along for the ride." If you're worried about infidelity, focus on making your relationship more loving and connected, not on getting your body just right or mastering new sexual positions. (But know that sex does matter — it's one of the key ways your guy expresses his love and feels close to you, so be sure to keep it a priority.)
Only 6% of cheating men had sex with a woman after meeting her that same day or night. Actually, 73 percent of men got to know the other woman for more than a month before they cheated. This means that you may have time to see the warning signs before infidelity occurs — you might even see it coming before he does. Keep an eye out for these common signals: He spends more time away from home, stops asking for sex, picks fights more frequently, or avoids your calls. Your gut reaction may be to confront him, but most men will deny even thinking about cheating — especially if nothing physical has occurred yet. Instead, Neuman suggests, take charge of what you can control — your own behavior — and take the lead in bringing your marriage to a better place. Don't hesitate to show your appreciation for him, prioritize time together, and initiate sex more. Give him a reason to keep you at the front of his mind, Neuman says. And be open about how you feel about what's going on between the two of you (again, without mentioning any third parties). Try, "I think we've started to lose something important in our marriage, and I don't want it to disappear." In the meantime, commit to keeping tabs on your relationship and doing what it takes to keep it working for you.
*WOW! Men cheat and cheat and cheat! So many people try to analyze why people do this and do that. The real truth is, if most people (men and women) focus on their signifant other at home and stop trying to find a reason to stray then we wouldn't have these articles. It's a shame that our society jumps on the drama and tries to give you answers that are ridiculous! The bottom line is; people cheat because it's their choice and they are selfish. It has nothing to do with the spouse. It's what the person who decides to cheats wants to do. Bottom line!*
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48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated.So much for the myth that for men, cheating is all about sex: Only 8 percent of men said that sexual dissatisfaction was the main factor in their infidelity. "Our culture tells us that all men need to be happy is sex," Neuman says. "But men are emotionally driven beings too. They want their wives to show them that they're appreciated, and they want women to understand how hard they're trying to get things right." The problem is that men are less likely than women to express these feelings, so you won't always know when your guy is in need of a little affirmation. "Most men consider it unmanly to ask for a pat on the back, which is why their emotional needs are often overlooked," Neuman says. "But you can create a marital culture of appreciation and thoughtfulness — and once you set the tone, he's likely to match it."
66% of cheating men report feeling guilt during the affair. The implications are a little scary: It isn't just uncaring jerks who cheat. In fact, 68 percent of cheaters never dreamed they'd be unfaithful, and almost all of them wished they hadn't done it, Neuman says. Clearly, guilt isn't enough to stop a man from cheating. "Men are good at compartmentalizing feelings," Neuman explains. "They can hold on to their emotions and deal with them later." So even if your husband swears he would never cheat, don't assume it can't happen. It's important for both of you to take steps toward creating the marriage you want.
77% of cheating men have a good friend who cheated. Hanging around friends who stray makes cheating seem normal and legitimizes it as a possibility. The message he's subconsciously telling himself: My friend is a good guy who happens to be cheating on his wife. I guess even the best of us do it. You can't simply ban your husband from hanging out with Mr. Wandering Eyes, Neuman says, but you can request that they spend their time together in an environment that offers less temptation, like at a sporting event or a restaurant for lunch rather than at a bar or club. Another strategy: Build your social circle around happily married couples that share your values — it'll create an environment that supports marriage.
40% of cheating men met the other woman at work."Oftentimes the woman he cheats with at the office is someone who praises him, looks up to him, and compliments his efforts," Neuman says. "That's another reason why it's so critical that he feel valued at home." Luckily, there's a clear warning sign that your husband is getting a little too cozy with a colleague: If he praises or mentions the name of a female coworker more than he would a male counterpart, your antennae should go up — and it's time for the two of you to set boundaries about what is and isn't okay at work, Neuman says. Is it acceptable for him to work late if it's only him and her? Can they travel together to conferences? Have dinners out to discuss a project? Ask him what he'd feel comfortable with you doing with a male colleague.
Only 12% of cheating men said their mistress was more physically attractive than their wife.In other words, a man doesn't stray because he thinks he'll get better sex with a better-looking body. "In most cases, he's cheating to fill an emotional void," Neuman says. "He feels a connection with the other woman, and sex comes along for the ride." If you're worried about infidelity, focus on making your relationship more loving and connected, not on getting your body just right or mastering new sexual positions. (But know that sex does matter — it's one of the key ways your guy expresses his love and feels close to you, so be sure to keep it a priority.)
Only 6% of cheating men had sex with a woman after meeting her that same day or night. Actually, 73 percent of men got to know the other woman for more than a month before they cheated. This means that you may have time to see the warning signs before infidelity occurs — you might even see it coming before he does. Keep an eye out for these common signals: He spends more time away from home, stops asking for sex, picks fights more frequently, or avoids your calls. Your gut reaction may be to confront him, but most men will deny even thinking about cheating — especially if nothing physical has occurred yet. Instead, Neuman suggests, take charge of what you can control — your own behavior — and take the lead in bringing your marriage to a better place. Don't hesitate to show your appreciation for him, prioritize time together, and initiate sex more. Give him a reason to keep you at the front of his mind, Neuman says. And be open about how you feel about what's going on between the two of you (again, without mentioning any third parties). Try, "I think we've started to lose something important in our marriage, and I don't want it to disappear." In the meantime, commit to keeping tabs on your relationship and doing what it takes to keep it working for you.
*WOW! Men cheat and cheat and cheat! So many people try to analyze why people do this and do that. The real truth is, if most people (men and women) focus on their signifant other at home and stop trying to find a reason to stray then we wouldn't have these articles. It's a shame that our society jumps on the drama and tries to give you answers that are ridiculous! The bottom line is; people cheat because it's their choice and they are selfish. It has nothing to do with the spouse. It's what the person who decides to cheats wants to do. Bottom line!*
Diva's Nation
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Flat Abs Faster: 3 Reasons to Stop Crunching!
(REDBOOK) Good news! You never have to do another crunch again. The best move for flat, pulled-in abs is the plank. (To do a plank, get in push-up position and lower your arms so your elbows rest on the ground. Hold for 45 seconds or longer and be careful not to arch your back.)
Here are three reasons a plank is more beneficial than a crunch:
1. The plank does more for your abdominal muscles.
“Your TVA’s (transversus abdominis) get a far greater involvement with a plank”, says Alex Figueroa, fitness expert and founder and lead trainer for Priority1Wellness.com. In addition, the abdominals receive both strengthening as well as aspects of flexibility through the plank. The crunch is an isolated exercise, and it does its function well”, says Figueroa, it strengthens the rectus abdominus. But it’s “far from functional, and for most people, far from what is needed for a healthy balanced body”.
2. The plank is a multi-tasking move.
Who does just one thing at time in life anymore? Why should your abs exercise be any different? A crunch only works your abdominal wall, while a plank is a total body exercise that also engages your core (abs & lower back), helps better your posture and works shoulder stabilization. Plus, “You never know when you are going to need to support your own weight and lift yourself off the floor,” says Jackson Williams, assistant fitness manager for the Sports Club/LA in Boston.
3. The plank better for your back and core.
“A plank helps protect the back from problems that stem from sitting at a desk all day. It strengthens the abs and core, while crunches exacerbate lower back issues,” says Rick Richey, Performance Enhancement Specialist and owner of R2Fitness. "Planks are ideal because they strengthen and stretch the body at the same time, says Stephanie Vitorino, fitness manager for Equinox in Woodland Hills, California and star of the "Body Target 60” DVD. “With a lengthened back, arms and engaged glutes and legs, you are able to gain integrate your core stabilizers which are critical for a healthy back and core,” explains Vitorino.
Jessica Smith is a certified fitness lifestyle expert and creator of the 10 Pounds Down DVD series.
Diva's Nation
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Here are three reasons a plank is more beneficial than a crunch:
1. The plank does more for your abdominal muscles.
“Your TVA’s (transversus abdominis) get a far greater involvement with a plank”, says Alex Figueroa, fitness expert and founder and lead trainer for Priority1Wellness.com. In addition, the abdominals receive both strengthening as well as aspects of flexibility through the plank. The crunch is an isolated exercise, and it does its function well”, says Figueroa, it strengthens the rectus abdominus. But it’s “far from functional, and for most people, far from what is needed for a healthy balanced body”.
2. The plank is a multi-tasking move.
Who does just one thing at time in life anymore? Why should your abs exercise be any different? A crunch only works your abdominal wall, while a plank is a total body exercise that also engages your core (abs & lower back), helps better your posture and works shoulder stabilization. Plus, “You never know when you are going to need to support your own weight and lift yourself off the floor,” says Jackson Williams, assistant fitness manager for the Sports Club/LA in Boston.
3. The plank better for your back and core.
“A plank helps protect the back from problems that stem from sitting at a desk all day. It strengthens the abs and core, while crunches exacerbate lower back issues,” says Rick Richey, Performance Enhancement Specialist and owner of R2Fitness. "Planks are ideal because they strengthen and stretch the body at the same time, says Stephanie Vitorino, fitness manager for Equinox in Woodland Hills, California and star of the "Body Target 60” DVD. “With a lengthened back, arms and engaged glutes and legs, you are able to gain integrate your core stabilizers which are critical for a healthy back and core,” explains Vitorino.
Jessica Smith is a certified fitness lifestyle expert and creator of the 10 Pounds Down DVD series.
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