"This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King," wrote the unnamed employee on the evening of July 16. Guess he thought that was funny. Other users weren't laughing: according to Hypervocal.com, Anonymous, the notorious vigilante hacking group, used GPS data embedded in the photo to locate the fast food restaurant's address and reportedly contacted the franchise and FoxNews8. "Whoever this is is getting fired," a morning shift manager named Andrea, told the Cleveland Scene.
Bryson W. Thornton, Director of Burger King's Global Communications, wrote in a statement to Yahoo! Shine:
"Burger King Corp. has recently been made aware of a photo that shows a BURGER KING® restaurant employee violating the company's stringent food handling procedures. Food safety is a top priority at all BURGER KING® restaurants and the company maintains a zero-tolerance policy against any violations such as the one in question. The restaurant where this photo was taken is independently-owned and operated by a BURGER KING® franchisee. The franchisee has taken swift action to investigate this matter and terminated the three employees involved in the incident."
Still, make mine a burger, but hold the lettuce.
Is this fool crazy?
This BK worker out of Cleveland, stands on the lettuce, then snaps a picture of his dumb ass doing it! If this ain't some "you know what!"
We believe this individual did this for the "wow" factor! Apparently he wanted to make a big statement in a big way by abusing the BK lettuce. Which is gross!
It's sad we as people have to worry about idioc individuals acting a straight fool and doing gross things to the potential food we may purchase.
To some degree this is to be expected, because of the age we live in...the internet age. Many individuals do things just to get attention because they feel like it's going to make them famous, and some just can't help themselves because they are attention whores. Someone should of told this idiot that putting a pic of himself online would come back and bite him in the ass!
Welcome to the age of the intenet where everything goes.*
Diva's Nation
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