Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Tea party group hires prominent black conservative Deneen Borelli to recruit minorities
(The Daily Caller)-The tea party-aligned FreedomWorks has hired prominent black conservative Deneen Borelli to help recruit minorities to the conservative grassroots movement.
The organization announced Monday that Borelli will serve as the organization’s new director of outreach.
“In her new role, Deneen will speak at events promoting FreedomWorks’ pro-liberty agenda, participate in recruiting grassroots activists — including minorities — and aggressively challenge the misleading voices of the liberal black establishment,” FreedomWorks said in a news release.
In 2010, FreedomWorks launched an advertising campaign called “Diverse Tea” in response to what they called “the false allegations of racism and lack of diversity in the tea party movement.”
“If you actually take the time to get to know the people in the Tea Party movement, you see an amazing amount of diversity — not just different skin colors but people literally from all walks of life that have united around the idea that the government is too big and is spending too much money it doesn’t have,” the group’s president, Matt Kibbe, said.
*What in hell is this!
Look at the tea party trying to come back with colored face "Deneen Borelli."
They recently hired her as they're outreach director, to reach out to colored people to prove they aren't a racist party.
We say who the hell cares!
This chick is a hot ass mess! She talks so much smack about this and that, that her black ass is being used by the tea "idiot" party. How could she not realize that or is it just all about the money they are paying her.
At the end of the day, she and her book "backlash" can go scratch. Truly she should rename it to "blacklash: how republicans and the right are keeping Americans in the poor house."
All in all, this chick isn't a role model for black women and doesn't do anything for the American people.
We say again, she's a hot ass mess and she should go scratch.*
Diva's Nation
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Saturday, June 23, 2012
Mistress Tells Her Side Of John Edwards Affair In Book
(Reuters) - Rielle Hunter, John Edwards' former mistress, writes in her new book that the two-time presidential candidate told her he had at least two previous affairs and also fabricated three other relationships so she would not become too attached, ABC News reported.
Hunter's book, "What Really Happened: John Edwards, Our Daughter, and Me," is set to be released on June 26. It follows Edwards' federal trial in North Carolina, which ended in May with an acquittal on one campaign finance charge and a mistrial on five others after the jury deadlocked.
Edwards, 59, was accused of seeking more than $900,000 from two wealthy supporters to conceal Hunter and her pregnancy with his child from voters during his unsuccessful bid to win the Democratic presidential nomination four years ago.
At the time, Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, was battling cancer. She died in December 2010.
Hunter said Edwards made up three additional mistresses - supposedly in Chicago, Los Angeles and Florida - during the early part of their relationship, which began after they met at a New York City hotel in February 2006, because he did not want Hunter to become too attached to him.
She said Edwards told her he had broken up with the fake mistresses before conceding that he had fabricated them.
Hunter wrote that Edwards confessed to having the other affairs but that he led her to believe that she was the last.
Hunter blames Elizabeth Edwards for driving John Edwards to cheat. She describes Elizabeth Edwards in unflattering terms, calling her "crazy," "venomous," and a "witch on wheels."
Hunter said she regretted allowing John Edwards' political aide, Andrew Young, to publicly claim paternity for the daughter Edwards had fathered.
"Of all the things that happened in my relationship with Johnny the thing that I regret the most is going along with this stupid idea and allowing this lie to go public," Hunter wrote, according to ABC News.
Edwards eventually admitted the child was his.
Hunter later sued Young over ownership of a video of her having sex with Edwards, which in her book she says she filmed at Edwards' request while traveling with him in Uganda.
Hunter said she wrote the book to provide her now 4-year-old daughter, Frances Quinn, with a truthful public account of "how she came into the world."
She writes that Edwards is involved in their daughter's life but does not shed much light on the current status of their relationship.
"I really have no idea what will happen with us," she wrote, according to ABC News. "The jury is still out. But I can honestly say that the ending is of no concern to me anymore. The love is here. And as sappy as it may sound, I love living in love."
*Is this bitch on crack or what?

Now we know you don't place all the blame on the mistress but for this chick to blame the wife is ridiculous! She has truly bumped her head all the way to the white meat!
Reading this article has given me a whole new perspective when it comes to the mistress. This mistress in particular is as cockey as they come. Instead of backing the hell off, she pursued John Edwards (he's not so innocent). Her ass knew if it blew up, she would have fame and fortune. At that time she wanted what she could get, and then some, no matter how severe the consequences.
A situation with a husband cheating on his wife is never easy. Top it off with a cockey, money hungry mistress who will stop at nothing (i.e have a baby) to be famous or infamous is truly tragic. She should of known that at the end of the day, there would of been no sympathy for her dumb ass. The wife, especially a wife like Elizabeth (no matter how lazy) and who died of cancer, would get all the sympathy in the world. I guess she was too caught up in the flash, cash and media to realize that she was just a piece of ass.
At the end of the day, this chick can yap all she wants, but she will go down in history as the mistress of John Edwards and not his wife.
In the words of Teresa from the real housewives of NJ, and (I can't believe I'm writing this), Reille Hunter can go SCRATCH!*
Diva's Nation
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The Justice Department announced last week that it would not re-try the former U.S. senator.
ABC News said it had obtained a copy of Hunter's book, in which she defends John Edwards' innocence in the criminal case while also revealing that he had affairs with at least two other women prior to 2004.
*Is this bitch on crack or what?
Now we know you don't place all the blame on the mistress but for this chick to blame the wife is ridiculous! She has truly bumped her head all the way to the white meat!
Reading this article has given me a whole new perspective when it comes to the mistress. This mistress in particular is as cockey as they come. Instead of backing the hell off, she pursued John Edwards (he's not so innocent). Her ass knew if it blew up, she would have fame and fortune. At that time she wanted what she could get, and then some, no matter how severe the consequences.
A situation with a husband cheating on his wife is never easy. Top it off with a cockey, money hungry mistress who will stop at nothing (i.e have a baby) to be famous or infamous is truly tragic. She should of known that at the end of the day, there would of been no sympathy for her dumb ass. The wife, especially a wife like Elizabeth (no matter how lazy) and who died of cancer, would get all the sympathy in the world. I guess she was too caught up in the flash, cash and media to realize that she was just a piece of ass.
At the end of the day, this chick can yap all she wants, but she will go down in history as the mistress of John Edwards and not his wife.
In the words of Teresa from the real housewives of NJ, and (I can't believe I'm writing this), Reille Hunter can go SCRATCH!*
Diva's Nation
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Gay Activists Visiting WhiteHouse Take Photos Of Themselves Flipping Off Regan Portrait
(The Blaze)-Gay activists from Philadelphia posed for pictures while giving the middle finger to a portrait of former President Ronald Reagan during a recent trip to the White House, according to Philadelphia Magazine:
Matthew "Matty" Hart, left, Mark Segal, center, and Zoe Strauss, right, pose in front of portraits of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush at the White House. (Image source:
Last Friday, an attaché of important gay people from Philadelphia made a trip to Washington D.C. as invited guests of President Barack Obama for the White House’s first-ever gay pride reception….some of them took advantage of photo opportunities to give the late President Ronald Reagan the middle finger
“It’s not a gesture that I would use in the White House when representing our city and our community,” opines Philadelphia Gay News publisher Mark Segal (center), who opted for a sarcastic thumbs-up pose in front of the portrait of George W. Bush over the more vulgar one demonstrated by his Reagan-loathing peers, Matthew “Matty” Hart (left), the national director of public engagement at Solutions for Progress, and self-taught photographer turned toast-of-the-town Zoe Strauss (right).
Strauss posted a second one on her blog with the comment: “Me and LB making out under a portrait of Reagan at the White House. That was amazing."
Neither Hart nor Strauss immediately returned The Blaze’s requests for comment.
Strauss refused to speak to Philadelphia Magazine about the photos, reportedly texting that she was “keeping out of the press!” Hart, however, repeated his “f–k Reagan” epithet to the publication:
“Yeah, f–k Reagan,” reiterates Hart one week after the reception. “Ronald Reagan has blood on his hands. The man was in the White House as AIDS exploded, and he was happy to see plenty of gay men and queer people die. He was a murderous fool, and I have no problem saying so. Don’t invite me back. I don’t care.”
The reception, which featured live music from the Marine Corps band, also saw a marriage proposal between a female-to-male transgendered person and a biological woman.
*Ain't this some hot ass gay mess!
To be invited to the WhiteHouse by a sitting President is very honorable. Then to show up and show your gay ass out, is unacceptable! If I was President Obama they're gay asses would be banned for life.
Look; gay or not, you don't have to act like your ass is 2 years old. Just because past Presidents didn't see eye to eye with gay Americans doesn't mean they should be disrespected in their house, which is by the way is the WhiteHouse in case their gay asses forgot. Honestly I'm sure they wouldn't take to kindly with straight people disrespecting them and what they stand for.
We say to gay Americans please give it a rest!
We all know that they want practically the same rights as straight Americans who are married. I think your getting that and more! It's probably fitting to say that most people feel like they're gay asses want way to much. But hey, it's a free country.
Getting back on the article. This is outlandish, ridiculous, and school yard behavior especially in a formal place such as the WhiteHouse. The disrespectfulness of these people gay or not shouldn't be tolerated by no means. To behave like this is a reflection of who these people really are, and not of the whole gay community. They should know better and be mindful of the example they are setting for younger gay Americans who may see this. I guess; when it all comes down to it, these folks who are suppose to be "special" aren't that special afterall.
They're just ridiculous assholes!*
Oh by the way; we don't care if your showcasing PDA. It's not anything new. Gay or not, most people kiss in public. Grow up bitches!
Diva's Nation
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Thursday, June 21, 2012
Biden: Romney out of touch with 'ordinary' people
(AP) — Vice President Joe Biden tells a gathering of black journalists that Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney's economic platform shows he is out of touch with the nation's middle class.
Biden said during his speech Wednesday night at a National Association of Black Journalists convention in New Orleans that Romney wants to grow the nation's economy "from the top down" by deregulating Wall Street and cutting taxes for the wealthy.

The vice president calls Romney "an honorable man" with a "beautiful family" but says that the former venture capitalist doesn't understand what's happening to ordinary Americans.
Biden also touts the Obama administration's record on job growth, saying that he and the president believe the economy cannot be truly healthly until the "profound erosion" of middle-class jobs and income is reversed.
*Well, well and well!
One things for sure Vice President Biden is definitely correct. Romney is certainly out of touch every day Americans. From the things that come out of his mouth to his off centered body language, Romney is as phony as they come. He doesn't even posses a unique factor, which throughout history most Presidents have had a uinique factor about them.
As this election contest presses on, I think many people will start to see through Romney's phony behavior. This is probably one of the reasons why Rubio decided not to attend the event. The truth is, Romney would make a terrible commander in chief due to his inability to connect with people in general.
He is definitely definitely bad for business period.*
Diva's Nation
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Biden said during his speech Wednesday night at a National Association of Black Journalists convention in New Orleans that Romney wants to grow the nation's economy "from the top down" by deregulating Wall Street and cutting taxes for the wealthy.
The vice president calls Romney "an honorable man" with a "beautiful family" but says that the former venture capitalist doesn't understand what's happening to ordinary Americans.
Biden also touts the Obama administration's record on job growth, saying that he and the president believe the economy cannot be truly healthly until the "profound erosion" of middle-class jobs and income is reversed.
*Well, well and well!
One things for sure Vice President Biden is definitely correct. Romney is certainly out of touch every day Americans. From the things that come out of his mouth to his off centered body language, Romney is as phony as they come. He doesn't even posses a unique factor, which throughout history most Presidents have had a uinique factor about them.
As this election contest presses on, I think many people will start to see through Romney's phony behavior. This is probably one of the reasons why Rubio decided not to attend the event. The truth is, Romney would make a terrible commander in chief due to his inability to connect with people in general.
He is definitely definitely bad for business period.*
Diva's Nation
Join The "Biden: Romney out of touch with ordinary people" Conversation*
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Marco Rubio says he would come to the U.S. illegally if he had to
(Yahoo News)-Hypothetically, if Marco Rubio were not an American citizen and could not provide food for his family, he says he would cross the border illegally to come to the United States.

While discussing immigration policy in his new memoir, An American Son, Rubio called for "common decency" in dealing with undocumented immigrants and said that if put in a similar position as those who are fleeing destitution, he would break the law, too.
"Many people who come here illegally are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we couldn't feed our families," Rubio writes in his book, which went on sale Tuesday. "If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn't give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn't a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here."
Rubio, a member of a political party that has largely opposed efforts to extend a path to citizenship to those in the country without documentation, has been crafting his own version of an immigration reform bill that would let some children of undocumented immigrants avoid being deported.
Rubio is considered a possible vice presidential running mate for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who spent the primary season voicing opposition to an immigration plan that would give those who came illegally permanent residency or citizenship without returning to their home country first.
*What the hell is his deal?
How in the hell can you say you would enter this country illegally if you weren't an American citizen, knowing your ass is being vetted as a Vice President!
Has he bumped his head to the damn white meat or what?
I guess we aren't surprised to hear Rubio say something like this, but then again maybe we are because he is trying to make noise to get attention due to the possibility of being a vice president.
On the real; to say something like you would cross the damn border illegally, (which truly your commiting a crime) is ridiculous!!
To say this, is not a good look for him or the latio's trying to stay in America. Rubio we believe, has just put his latio foot in his mouth. Not many American's take to kindly to folks crossing the border illegally. You would think with him being a Senetor, he would know that much.
Honestly he must not be very smart to say something like that.
Truly, if people buy into Rubio's so-called rhetoric that he's all for his people, then they are in denial. He cares nothing about his people. He only cares about climbing up the latter and making it seem as if he's out to help his fellow latino's in the process.
All in all he's a hot mess just like Mitt Romney. They both need to crawl under a rock and stay there because not many people are buying their ridiculous message!
Diva's Nation
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While discussing immigration policy in his new memoir, An American Son, Rubio called for "common decency" in dealing with undocumented immigrants and said that if put in a similar position as those who are fleeing destitution, he would break the law, too.
"Many people who come here illegally are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we couldn't feed our families," Rubio writes in his book, which went on sale Tuesday. "If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn't give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn't a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here."
Rubio, a member of a political party that has largely opposed efforts to extend a path to citizenship to those in the country without documentation, has been crafting his own version of an immigration reform bill that would let some children of undocumented immigrants avoid being deported.
Rubio is considered a possible vice presidential running mate for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who spent the primary season voicing opposition to an immigration plan that would give those who came illegally permanent residency or citizenship without returning to their home country first.
*What the hell is his deal?
How in the hell can you say you would enter this country illegally if you weren't an American citizen, knowing your ass is being vetted as a Vice President!
Has he bumped his head to the damn white meat or what?
I guess we aren't surprised to hear Rubio say something like this, but then again maybe we are because he is trying to make noise to get attention due to the possibility of being a vice president.
On the real; to say something like you would cross the damn border illegally, (which truly your commiting a crime) is ridiculous!!
To say this, is not a good look for him or the latio's trying to stay in America. Rubio we believe, has just put his latio foot in his mouth. Not many American's take to kindly to folks crossing the border illegally. You would think with him being a Senetor, he would know that much.
Honestly he must not be very smart to say something like that.
Truly, if people buy into Rubio's so-called rhetoric that he's all for his people, then they are in denial. He cares nothing about his people. He only cares about climbing up the latter and making it seem as if he's out to help his fellow latino's in the process.
All in all he's a hot mess just like Mitt Romney. They both need to crawl under a rock and stay there because not many people are buying their ridiculous message!
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Marco Rubio says he would come to the U.S. illegally if he had to" Conversation*
Monday, June 18, 2012
Unger strike: Obama’s former professor says he ‘must not’ win in 2012
(The Daily Caller)-Harvard Law School professor Roberto Unger, who taught President Barack Obama classes such as Jurisprudence and Reinventing Democracy, said last month that his former student has betrayed liberals and should lose the presidency in November.
“President Obama must be defeated in the coming election,” Unger said in a sit-down video posted to his YouTube account in May, which also attacked the Republican party.
“If [The Republicans] had their way, inequality would be even greater than it is now,” Unger said, before acknowledging that a Romney win would lead to some undesirable “judicial and administrative appointments.”
But those costs, to Unger, pale in comparison to the risks of an Obama second term.
“The Democratic Party has no new direction. … [Obama] has failed to advance the progressive cause,” Unger said. “He has spent trillions of dollars to rescue the moneyed interests and left workers and homeowners to their own devices.”
Then, gripping his chair tightly as if to strap in for an earthquake of truth-telling, Unger proceeded to unleash a series of one-liners against Obama.
Unger has posted several interviews with himself on his YouTube channel, which are viewed only rarely. Unger typically disables comments on his videos, and he receives few positive or insightful comments when he does allow user interaction.
In a video Unger posted on the topic of the Hegelian and Sartrean Heresies, for example, a viewer praised Unger’s “very interesting” point of view but complained that “there’s got to be something you can do” about “your jaw click.”
According to the Harvard Crimson, Unger received tenure at Harvard Law School at the unusually young age of 29.
*CAN YOU SAY...JEALOUS! We think so.
This guy is so ridiculous. He's looking for an avenue to put all his rhetoric out there about the President just like others. You would think he would be supportive and down the middle, but I guess jealousy has gotten the better of him. I guess the question we have is, why would a professor come out like this other than seek attention? Something tells us he's not getting attention elsewhere (hint: the bedroom). Truly, this guy needs to crawl back into the whole where he came from instead of coming out with some ridiculous mess like this. Yes! We say; BORING!!
Diva's Nation *Join The "Unger strike: Obama’s former professor says he ‘must not’ win in 2012" Conversation*
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Ann Romney responds to protesters at Ohio rally
The Ticket—Democratic protesters who have been trailing Mitt Romney's bus tour across the country finally caught up the Republican nominee, shouting loud enough for the candidate to hear as he spoke at a rally here.

"GO HOME ROMNEY! GO HOME ROMNEY!" about 30 protestors shouted in unison as the former Massachusetts governor took the stage here at a historic town square in the shadow of Newark City Hall.
Ann Romney, who was on stage introducing her husband, briefly acknowledged the group, telling supporters here, "We got some distracters out there, but... we can be just as loud about how much we love this country."
But her husband has become more adept at ignoring protestors. While Romney would often pause and acknowledge those aiming to disrupt his events during the primaries, the Republican nominee ignored his detractors today. But he seemed more fired up than usual in delivering his usual stump speech—as though he were aiming to drown out his opponents with his own voice.
The protests come a day after the Romney campaign re-routed the candidate's tour in Pennsylvania to avoid the GOP candidate's opponents. Romney had been scheduled to visit a Wawa convenience store in Quakertown, but instead dropped in on a location on the other side of town after hearing former
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a Democrat, was leading a protest at the first site.
Asked by a local reporter why he had changed the location of his visit, Romney joked that he'd heard he already had another surrogate on site—a reference to Rendell's recent criticism over the Obama campaign's attacks on Romney's tenure at Bain Capital.
*Go back to the kitchen Ann Romney!
This chick is definitely enjoying the fruits of her husbands campaigning. She's a stay at home mom (whom we don't have anything against), who truly needs to stay at home.

We definitely feel she's bad for business, just as her husband is a horrible choice for the white house. They both don't make any sense, and are disconnected from REAL Americans and the struggle.
At the end of the day, Romney and his mayberry wife can visit as many states and communities all they like, but if they truly want to connect, they need to come down off of that pestal that they have put themselves on, and really talk to the people. It's only fitting that we have an American President that can understand American society and it's people.
As for his wife, well, she's a just bland, boring and needs to keep her ass out of the spotlight and in the kitchen.*
Not a fan!
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Ohio—Democratic protesters who have been trailing Mitt" Conversation*
"GO HOME ROMNEY! GO HOME ROMNEY!" about 30 protestors shouted in unison as the former Massachusetts governor took the stage here at a historic town square in the shadow of Newark City Hall.
Ann Romney, who was on stage introducing her husband, briefly acknowledged the group, telling supporters here, "We got some distracters out there, but... we can be just as loud about how much we love this country."
But her husband has become more adept at ignoring protestors. While Romney would often pause and acknowledge those aiming to disrupt his events during the primaries, the Republican nominee ignored his detractors today. But he seemed more fired up than usual in delivering his usual stump speech—as though he were aiming to drown out his opponents with his own voice.
The protests come a day after the Romney campaign re-routed the candidate's tour in Pennsylvania to avoid the GOP candidate's opponents. Romney had been scheduled to visit a Wawa convenience store in Quakertown, but instead dropped in on a location on the other side of town after hearing former
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a Democrat, was leading a protest at the first site.
Asked by a local reporter why he had changed the location of his visit, Romney joked that he'd heard he already had another surrogate on site—a reference to Rendell's recent criticism over the Obama campaign's attacks on Romney's tenure at Bain Capital.
*Go back to the kitchen Ann Romney!
This chick is definitely enjoying the fruits of her husbands campaigning. She's a stay at home mom (whom we don't have anything against), who truly needs to stay at home.
We definitely feel she's bad for business, just as her husband is a horrible choice for the white house. They both don't make any sense, and are disconnected from REAL Americans and the struggle.
At the end of the day, Romney and his mayberry wife can visit as many states and communities all they like, but if they truly want to connect, they need to come down off of that pestal that they have put themselves on, and really talk to the people. It's only fitting that we have an American President that can understand American society and it's people.
As for his wife, well, she's a just bland, boring and needs to keep her ass out of the spotlight and in the kitchen.*
Not a fan!
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Ohio—Democratic protesters who have been trailing Mitt" Conversation*
Rodney King found dead in swimming pool
(The Lookout)-Rodney King, whose videotaped beating by police in 1991 sparked the L.A. riots, was found dead at his California home on Sunday. He was 47.

Police said King's fiancée discovered him at the bottom of the swimming pool at their Rialto, Calif., home, about 55 miles east of Los Angeles.
Police responded to a call at 5:25 a.m., pulled King out of the pool and attempted CPR, but could not revive him.
King's representative Suzanne Wickman confirmed to his death to KABC-TV.
According to TMZ, King's fiancée, Cynthia Kelley, told friends King spent the bulk of Saturday drinking and "smoked marijuana at some point," before she went to went to bed at 2:00 a.m.
The cause of death is unknown, but police are investigating it as a drowning. Rialto Police Capt. Randy DeAnda told CNN there were no preliminary signs of foul play.
King was beaten by four white LAPD officers following a DUI stop on March 3, 1991. Footage captured by an amateur videographer showed the officers hitting King 56 times with wooden batons.
"I just got lucky that night to have the cameras on me," King said in April, marking the 20th anniversary of the L.A. riots. "When I saw the tape, I was so happy that it was on tape and then looking at it, it was like I was in another body. I felt like I had died in that one, and was just watching it."
The four officers--Theodore Briseno, Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind and Sgt. Stacey Koon--were acquitted of criminal charges, sparking the riots that left 55 people dead. (Koon and Powell were later found guilty of federal civil rights charges and sentenced to 30 months in prison.)
"It felt like Armageddon," King said of the acquittal. "It felt like the end of the world. I was hurt. I was past upset.
"I was raised not to be violent, and not to be rioting and carrying on like a wild man," he added, "but at the same time, there was a side of me saying, 'What else can you do?' I didn't agree with it, but I understood."
During the five-day riots--marked by widespread looting, arson and racially-charged beatings throughout South Central L.A.--King made his famous public plea for peace: "People, I just want to say, can we all get along? Can we get along?"
"Through all that he had gone through with his beating and personal demons, he was never one to not call for reconciliation and for his people to overcome and forgive," the Rev. Al Sharpton said in a statement on Sunday.
King had long struggled with alcohol abuse, much of it detailed in his 2012 memoir, "The Riot Within." According to KABC, he was arrested or detained by police at least a dozen times on charges ranging from DUI to domestic violence.
In 2011--the 20th anniversary of his beating--King was arrested in California on suspicion of DUI.
According to TMZ, King was scheduled to compete in a celebrity boxing match against Jose Canseco in August.
*RIP Rodney King*
This is a very sad ending to a man who endured so much during that time he received a tragic ass whooping by those damn LA cops.
Since then, Rodney has gone through some tough times with drugs and alcohol. He appeared on numerous tv outlets and some reality shows talking about what happened to him and what he was doing to cope. He has also tried to kick his drug habit, as seen on Dr Drew's VH1 celebrity addiction reality tv series.
Truly, I think we can all learn something from King as we move forward in this society. No matter what happens to us, and if we are blessed to see another day, we can always overcome our fears and issues.
God Bless America and the King Family.
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Rodney King found dead in swimming pool" Conversation
Police said King's fiancée discovered him at the bottom of the swimming pool at their Rialto, Calif., home, about 55 miles east of Los Angeles.
Police responded to a call at 5:25 a.m., pulled King out of the pool and attempted CPR, but could not revive him.
King's representative Suzanne Wickman confirmed to his death to KABC-TV.
According to TMZ, King's fiancée, Cynthia Kelley, told friends King spent the bulk of Saturday drinking and "smoked marijuana at some point," before she went to went to bed at 2:00 a.m.
The cause of death is unknown, but police are investigating it as a drowning. Rialto Police Capt. Randy DeAnda told CNN there were no preliminary signs of foul play.
King was beaten by four white LAPD officers following a DUI stop on March 3, 1991. Footage captured by an amateur videographer showed the officers hitting King 56 times with wooden batons.
"I just got lucky that night to have the cameras on me," King said in April, marking the 20th anniversary of the L.A. riots. "When I saw the tape, I was so happy that it was on tape and then looking at it, it was like I was in another body. I felt like I had died in that one, and was just watching it."
The four officers--Theodore Briseno, Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind and Sgt. Stacey Koon--were acquitted of criminal charges, sparking the riots that left 55 people dead. (Koon and Powell were later found guilty of federal civil rights charges and sentenced to 30 months in prison.)
"It felt like Armageddon," King said of the acquittal. "It felt like the end of the world. I was hurt. I was past upset.
"I was raised not to be violent, and not to be rioting and carrying on like a wild man," he added, "but at the same time, there was a side of me saying, 'What else can you do?' I didn't agree with it, but I understood."
During the five-day riots--marked by widespread looting, arson and racially-charged beatings throughout South Central L.A.--King made his famous public plea for peace: "People, I just want to say, can we all get along? Can we get along?"
"Through all that he had gone through with his beating and personal demons, he was never one to not call for reconciliation and for his people to overcome and forgive," the Rev. Al Sharpton said in a statement on Sunday.
King had long struggled with alcohol abuse, much of it detailed in his 2012 memoir, "The Riot Within." According to KABC, he was arrested or detained by police at least a dozen times on charges ranging from DUI to domestic violence.
In 2011--the 20th anniversary of his beating--King was arrested in California on suspicion of DUI.
According to TMZ, King was scheduled to compete in a celebrity boxing match against Jose Canseco in August.
*RIP Rodney King*
This is a very sad ending to a man who endured so much during that time he received a tragic ass whooping by those damn LA cops.
Since then, Rodney has gone through some tough times with drugs and alcohol. He appeared on numerous tv outlets and some reality shows talking about what happened to him and what he was doing to cope. He has also tried to kick his drug habit, as seen on Dr Drew's VH1 celebrity addiction reality tv series.
Truly, I think we can all learn something from King as we move forward in this society. No matter what happens to us, and if we are blessed to see another day, we can always overcome our fears and issues.
God Bless America and the King Family.
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Rodney King found dead in swimming pool" Conversation
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Actress Amanda Bynes pleads not guilty in DUI case
(AP) — An attorney for actress Amanda Bynes has entered a not-guilty plea on her behalf in a driving under the influence case.
Before when Amanda was cute and innocent

After-This bitch is out of control and crazy!

The actress did not attend the arraignment Wednesday in Beverly Hills. She was charged Tuesday, roughly two months after she was arrested after grazing a sheriff's patrol car.
The actress also directed a Twitter message at President Barack Obama asking him to fire the deputy who arrested her, writing she doesn't drink. After her arrest, the 26-year-old refused a test that would have determined if she was drunk or used drugs.
District Attorney's spokeswoman Jane Robison says a pretrial hearing is set for July 18.
Bynes is best known for her role in Nickelodeon's series "What I Like About You."
*If you know your ass is drunk, then why deny it, especially when the cop is right there, because your drunk ass grazing his car!
She's So ridiculous!
Why do these hollywood types always think they can get away with everything? I'm appalled by these skanky, drunk and hot mess idiot girls who think their sh*t don't stink because they're rich and famous!
On top of her ass driving drunk; she decides to send a twitter message to President Obama about firing the deputy who had probable cause to arrest her drunk ass!
It's simply outrageous!
Most of you who visit us here at Diva's Nation know that we raise roof for our fellow females, but this mess here, is a hot ass mess. For her to drive drunk, almost hit a cop car, and then have time to complain about it to the President is ridiculous! If she had time to send a damn tweet, her ass had time to show up for court!
("We do apologize for all the offensive language, but we don't tolerate people who drink and drive." )
In this day in age, where driving drunk isn't tolerated, we should all know better. However, some of us like "Amanda Bynes" choose to play dumb like her gal pals Lindsey Lohan, Kim Kardashian, and Paris Hilton. All these bitches are straight up ridiculous and most women should be embarrassed by them.
At the end of the day, no one should be driving drunk. If your ass is going to drink, get a designated driver, or call a cab. It's just that simple.
Diva's Nation
Join The "Actress Amanda Bynes pleads not guilty in DUI case" Conversation*
Before when Amanda was cute and innocent
After-This bitch is out of control and crazy!
The actress did not attend the arraignment Wednesday in Beverly Hills. She was charged Tuesday, roughly two months after she was arrested after grazing a sheriff's patrol car.
The actress also directed a Twitter message at President Barack Obama asking him to fire the deputy who arrested her, writing she doesn't drink. After her arrest, the 26-year-old refused a test that would have determined if she was drunk or used drugs.
District Attorney's spokeswoman Jane Robison says a pretrial hearing is set for July 18.
Bynes is best known for her role in Nickelodeon's series "What I Like About You."
*If you know your ass is drunk, then why deny it, especially when the cop is right there, because your drunk ass grazing his car!
She's So ridiculous!
Why do these hollywood types always think they can get away with everything? I'm appalled by these skanky, drunk and hot mess idiot girls who think their sh*t don't stink because they're rich and famous!
On top of her ass driving drunk; she decides to send a twitter message to President Obama about firing the deputy who had probable cause to arrest her drunk ass!
It's simply outrageous!
Most of you who visit us here at Diva's Nation know that we raise roof for our fellow females, but this mess here, is a hot ass mess. For her to drive drunk, almost hit a cop car, and then have time to complain about it to the President is ridiculous! If she had time to send a damn tweet, her ass had time to show up for court!
("We do apologize for all the offensive language, but we don't tolerate people who drink and drive." )
In this day in age, where driving drunk isn't tolerated, we should all know better. However, some of us like "Amanda Bynes" choose to play dumb like her gal pals Lindsey Lohan, Kim Kardashian, and Paris Hilton. All these bitches are straight up ridiculous and most women should be embarrassed by them.
At the end of the day, no one should be driving drunk. If your ass is going to drink, get a designated driver, or call a cab. It's just that simple.
Diva's Nation
Join The "Actress Amanda Bynes pleads not guilty in DUI case" Conversation*
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
'Sluts' Unite Against Republicans, Rush Limbaugh
(ABC OTUS News) Watch out Republicans, here come the sluts.

"If the GOP thinks that throwing the word 'slut' at us at this point is going to silence women they have another thing coming," said Susan McMillan Emry, the site's founder.
"It has evolved in the last few months from being my own personal avenue to let out a holler on what's happening to something that we hope will make a significant impact," she said.
*What the bleep bleep!
DAMN! When Limbaugh came out with all of his rhetoric about the young lady being a slut and what not, I would have never imagined some chick in Cali would take it and run with it by of (Rock the slut vote) courtesy of (
It's quiet intriguing but at the same time very comical, as some women would backhand you if you called them a slut. To use this term in an endearing way is ridiculous and immature.
Let the gimmicks begin!
I would think most women would catapult their energy in the war on women in an inspirational, and motivating way to inspire their female counterparts to rally for the cause. Not employ a campaign as (Rock The Slut Vote) to rally for the cause.
"Yuck absolutely sickening!"
This is absolutely sensational as it's taken on a life of it's own. It may mean more votes for Democrats but what does it say to our young women who may be surfing the web and find this crap?
"I'll tell says embrace the fact that racist, and trifling ass Rush Limbaugh called your ass a slut! That what the hell it says."
This hot mess of so-called feminism is ridiculous! Who in their right mind would embrace the word slut or stand for that mess!?
"Not I!" Hopefully not any of you.
I'm sure the Dems won't be complaining as it could be very influential and mean more votes for them. However, as this plays out, they should denouce this bull sh*t and keep it moving. If women are going to vote the democratic way, it's because they fundementally believe in the party's values, not because of some (Rock The Slut Vote) that has inspired them to vote against the opposing party.
Ladies; I'm telling you now, don't buy into this mess, because at the end of the day, it came from racist, non-mfing-factor, Rush Limbaugh.*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "'Sluts' Unite Against Republicans, Rush Limbaugh" Conversation*
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