(Diva's House Of Literary Coffee)-Pick up author Sahara Hill's new self help book appropriately titled, "THE BALACE BEAM EFFECT: Mind In Focus=Life Insurance And Assurance."
This book shows you step by step on how to deal with life situations and eventually how to get your happy back.
It's the first self help book from the "Snobby Mommy" author in the series.
Pick it up today through amazon.com!
For questions about the book or to book the author contact: literarydiva29@yahoo.com today!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Whites no healthier than Blacks in Canada: study
(Reuters Health) - Black people in Canada are at least as healthy as whites, hints a study that is a stark contrast to U.S. statistics.
From health surveys, researchers found that blacks born in Canada had lower rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancer than their white compatriots.
By contrast, high blood pressure and diabetes were more common among blacks than whites in the U.S.
One possible explanation is that African Americans have a long history as second-class citizens, said Thomas A. LaVeist, who directs the Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions in Baltimore.
"That is what I think is fueling the disparity we see in the U.S.," LaVeist, whose findings appear in the Archives of Internal Medicine, told Reuters Health.
Canada, on the other hand, had only a brief encounter with slavery and many African Canadians are recent immigrants.
"We know that recent immigrants tend to be healthier than the native populations in a country," LaVeist said.
While he called the findings surprising, noting that they contradict earlier data from Canada, he also cautioned that they have significant limitations.
The Canadian health survey, for instance, included only 729 blacks, compared with more than 280,000 whites. That makes the comparisons between the two groups much less trustworthy.
LaVeist and a colleague found that nine percent of blacks born in Canada had high blood pressure, while 21 percent of their white compatriots did. Two percent of African Canadians had diabetes, compared to six percent of whites.
In the U.S., 35 percent of blacks had high blood pressure and 28 percent of whites did. The figures for diabetes were 11 percent and 8 percent, respectively.
However, the rates of heart disease and cancer were lower among African Americans than whites.
If the results are real, LaVeist said, they might also reflect differences in the two countries' healthcare systems.
"I think that is part of the puzzle, the fact that in Canada you have universal healthcare," he mused.
Next summer, LaVeist added, Baltimore will host the International Conference on Health in the African Diaspora to talk about social and medical challenges facing slave descendants in the West.
*Healthcare is a huge issue for all of us all over the world. The fact that whites in Canada were no healthier than blacks isn't really shocking. Canada seems to be one of those countries that prides itself on taking care of its people no matter what race they are. They are a nation of substance and backbone. Many of the people have migrated there for many different reasons to never return to their homelands.
Getting back to the study. This study as it says can't be trusted all that much do to a small amount of blacks that were tested. However; when you look at Canada and see the how clean most parts of that country is, then we know why people in general aren't as sick.
The truth is; if we have universal healthcare where everyone can be taken care then we will have longer living individuals no matter what race they are. Most blacks in Canada don't feel like second class citizens, where as, in the US, many blacks do feel like second class citizens. So therefore they allow themselves to recieve second class service in just about everything.
All in all, this study proves one thing, and that is, that Canada must be doing something right by it's people of all races.*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Whites No Healtheir Than Blacks In Canada: Study" Conversation*
"We know that recent immigrants tend to be healthier than the native populations in a country," LaVeist said.
While he called the findings surprising, noting that they contradict earlier data from Canada, he also cautioned that they have significant limitations.
The Canadian health survey, for instance, included only 729 blacks, compared with more than 280,000 whites. That makes the comparisons between the two groups much less trustworthy.
LaVeist and a colleague found that nine percent of blacks born in Canada had high blood pressure, while 21 percent of their white compatriots did. Two percent of African Canadians had diabetes, compared to six percent of whites.
In the U.S., 35 percent of blacks had high blood pressure and 28 percent of whites did. The figures for diabetes were 11 percent and 8 percent, respectively.
If the results are real, LaVeist said, they might also reflect differences in the two countries' healthcare systems.
"I think that is part of the puzzle, the fact that in Canada you have universal healthcare," he mused.
Next summer, LaVeist added, Baltimore will host the International Conference on Health in the African Diaspora to talk about social and medical challenges facing slave descendants in the West.
*Healthcare is a huge issue for all of us all over the world. The fact that whites in Canada were no healthier than blacks isn't really shocking. Canada seems to be one of those countries that prides itself on taking care of its people no matter what race they are. They are a nation of substance and backbone. Many of the people have migrated there for many different reasons to never return to their homelands.
Getting back to the study. This study as it says can't be trusted all that much do to a small amount of blacks that were tested. However; when you look at Canada and see the how clean most parts of that country is, then we know why people in general aren't as sick.
The truth is; if we have universal healthcare where everyone can be taken care then we will have longer living individuals no matter what race they are. Most blacks in Canada don't feel like second class citizens, where as, in the US, many blacks do feel like second class citizens. So therefore they allow themselves to recieve second class service in just about everything.
All in all, this study proves one thing, and that is, that Canada must be doing something right by it's people of all races.*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Whites No Healtheir Than Blacks In Canada: Study" Conversation*
Saturday, September 24, 2011
R&B singer Vesta Williams found dead in Calif.
(AP) — Big-voiced R&B diva Vesta Williams, perhaps best-known for her 1980s hits "Don't Blow A Good Thing" and "Congratulations," has been found dead of a possible drug overdose in a Southern California hotel room, coroner's investigators said Friday. She was 53.

Williams was found dead at 6:15 p.m. Thursday in an El Segundo hotel room, Los Angeles County coroner's Capt. John Kades (KAY'-dihs) said.
An autopsy will determine the cause of death. A toxicology examination will take six weeks to be completed, Kades said.
Born Mary Vesta Williams on Dec. 1, 1957, to a disc jockey in Coshocton, Ohio, she had hits with "Once Bitten Twice Shy," ''Sweet, Sweet Love" and the torch song "Congratulations," where she emotionally bids goodbye to her ex, about to marry someone else, on his wedding day.
Williams also appeared in movies and on television.
She was a saloon singer in the Mario Van Peebles movie "Posse" and she had a recurring role on the television situation comedy "Sister, Sister," playing actress Jackee Harry's best friend Monica.
Harry tweeted her condolences: "...just received truly devastating news: R&B great, and my friend of many yrs, Vesta Williams ((at)vesta4u), has passed away. (hash)RIPVesta"
Williams diminutive frame belied her powerful, soulful pipes. Her initial success in the music industry came as a background singer for artists ranging from Chaka Khan, Anita Baker and Sting. But she would eventually establish her career with release of her first album, "Vesta," in 1986.
Over the years, she had hits including "Once Bitten Twice Shy," ''Sweet, Sweet Love" and her signature torch song "Congratulations."
Williams continued to make albums, and was a regular performer on the concert circuit.
She was supposed to perform at the 21st annual "DIVAS Simply Singing!" in Los Angeles next month, put on Ralph. The Oct. 22 show will now pay tribute to her and another late soul singer, Teena Marie.
"She was really excited about doing divas," her friend and fellow entertainer Sheryl Lee Ralph told The Associated Press, adding Williams was also scheduled to be the subject of a TVOne "Unsung" episode.
The 5-foot-3 entertainer gained weight in the 1990s, ballooning to a size 26. She went on a dramatic weight loss program, losing 100 pounds and getting down to a size 6.
She told Ebony magazine that she began gaining weight rapidly after her singing career started to falter. She blamed her size for loss of her recording contract.
"When I lost my record deal and my phone wasn't ringing, I realized that I had to reassess who Vesta was and figure out what was going wrong," she said. "I knew it wasn't my singing ability. So it had to be that I was expendable because I didn't have the right look."
She went on to become an advocate for the prevention of childhood obesity and juvenile diabetes.
Last year, she released a song on iTunes. In an interview last December with Egypt Thompson on the Web show "The Couch," she said she was blessed.
"She had just become such a brand new person," Ralph said. "This is very hard, this is very hard."
Ralph said Williams is survived by an adult daughter.
*RIP Vesta Williams*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Vesta Williams" Conversation*
Williams was found dead at 6:15 p.m. Thursday in an El Segundo hotel room, Los Angeles County coroner's Capt. John Kades (KAY'-dihs) said.
An autopsy will determine the cause of death. A toxicology examination will take six weeks to be completed, Kades said.
Born Mary Vesta Williams on Dec. 1, 1957, to a disc jockey in Coshocton, Ohio, she had hits with "Once Bitten Twice Shy," ''Sweet, Sweet Love" and the torch song "Congratulations," where she emotionally bids goodbye to her ex, about to marry someone else, on his wedding day.
Williams also appeared in movies and on television.
She was a saloon singer in the Mario Van Peebles movie "Posse" and she had a recurring role on the television situation comedy "Sister, Sister," playing actress Jackee Harry's best friend Monica.
Harry tweeted her condolences: "...just received truly devastating news: R&B great, and my friend of many yrs, Vesta Williams ((at)vesta4u), has passed away. (hash)RIPVesta"
Williams diminutive frame belied her powerful, soulful pipes. Her initial success in the music industry came as a background singer for artists ranging from Chaka Khan, Anita Baker and Sting. But she would eventually establish her career with release of her first album, "Vesta," in 1986.
Over the years, she had hits including "Once Bitten Twice Shy," ''Sweet, Sweet Love" and her signature torch song "Congratulations."
Williams continued to make albums, and was a regular performer on the concert circuit.
She was supposed to perform at the 21st annual "DIVAS Simply Singing!" in Los Angeles next month, put on Ralph. The Oct. 22 show will now pay tribute to her and another late soul singer, Teena Marie.
"She was really excited about doing divas," her friend and fellow entertainer Sheryl Lee Ralph told The Associated Press, adding Williams was also scheduled to be the subject of a TVOne "Unsung" episode.
The 5-foot-3 entertainer gained weight in the 1990s, ballooning to a size 26. She went on a dramatic weight loss program, losing 100 pounds and getting down to a size 6.
She told Ebony magazine that she began gaining weight rapidly after her singing career started to falter. She blamed her size for loss of her recording contract.
"When I lost my record deal and my phone wasn't ringing, I realized that I had to reassess who Vesta was and figure out what was going wrong," she said. "I knew it wasn't my singing ability. So it had to be that I was expendable because I didn't have the right look."
She went on to become an advocate for the prevention of childhood obesity and juvenile diabetes.
Last year, she released a song on iTunes. In an interview last December with Egypt Thompson on the Web show "The Couch," she said she was blessed.
"She had just become such a brand new person," Ralph said. "This is very hard, this is very hard."
Ralph said Williams is survived by an adult daughter.
*RIP Vesta Williams*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Vesta Williams" Conversation*
Early risers may be thinner, happier
(Relaxnews)-Bad news for those who love a good lie in: a new study finds that people who get out of bed by 7 a.m., on average, do better in the workplace and have a lower chance of being depressed, stressed and overweight.
"Morning people tend to be healthier and happier as well as having lower body mass indices," researcher Dr. Joerg Huber of Roehampton University in London said in a British Psychological Society conference, according to the UK's Telegraph last week.
In a study of 1,068 adults, evening people were found to get out of bed by 8:54 a.m., on average. On weekends, everyone enjoyed an extra hour under the covers: early risers awoke at 7:47 a.m., compared to 10:09 a.m. for late risers.
Another study in the US found that Americans who habitually stay up later and sleep in later eat more fast food and overall calories and less fruits and vegetables, and have a higher body weight and more difficulty with weight loss than people who have more normal sleep routines.
*Take heed people if you want to lead a healtheir life style.
We all know that getting up early isn't everyones thing. However, if you allow yourself to wake up earlier than normal, then you have a better chance of getting most things done, having time for a yummy healthy breakfast and even getting in a 30 mins on the treadmill.
At the end of the day it's all up to you, but remember time waits for no one, so start spending it wisely.*
Diva's Nation
Join The "Early Risers May Be Thinner, Happier" Conversation*
"Morning people tend to be healthier and happier as well as having lower body mass indices," researcher Dr. Joerg Huber of Roehampton University in London said in a British Psychological Society conference, according to the UK's Telegraph last week.
In a study of 1,068 adults, evening people were found to get out of bed by 8:54 a.m., on average. On weekends, everyone enjoyed an extra hour under the covers: early risers awoke at 7:47 a.m., compared to 10:09 a.m. for late risers.
Another study in the US found that Americans who habitually stay up later and sleep in later eat more fast food and overall calories and less fruits and vegetables, and have a higher body weight and more difficulty with weight loss than people who have more normal sleep routines.
*Take heed people if you want to lead a healtheir life style.
We all know that getting up early isn't everyones thing. However, if you allow yourself to wake up earlier than normal, then you have a better chance of getting most things done, having time for a yummy healthy breakfast and even getting in a 30 mins on the treadmill.
At the end of the day it's all up to you, but remember time waits for no one, so start spending it wisely.*
Diva's Nation
Join The "Early Risers May Be Thinner, Happier" Conversation*
Saturday, September 17, 2011
‘Rogue’ author speaks out on Sarah Palin: ‘She is a vindictive hypocrite’ and an ‘utter fraud’
(The Cutline) Joe McGinniss, the author of the upcoming salacious new book about Sarah Palin--"The Rogue"--that has the sent the political and sports worlds in a frenzy, appeared in a segment on the Today show on Thursday.
McGinniss, who spent four months living in Wasilla, Alaska, in a rented house next to Palin's, said he interviewed approximately 200 of Palin's former associates, acquaintances and friends for the 318 page tell-all. The book includes a number of bombshell claims that have already stirred wide attention, including a report that Palin snorted cocaine, and slept with former University of Michigan basketball star Glen Rice while she was a sports reporter at a local Alaskan television station.
"An utter fraud," McGinniss said of the former Alaskan governor. "An absolute and utter fraud."
McGinniss continued: "At best, she is a hypocrite. At worst, she is a vindictive hypocrite. The thing that I found that really surprised me was that the people who know her best like her least."
The segment comes a day after the National Enquirer published leaked excerpts from the book--and thereby sent the media world buzzing on Wednesday.
McGinniss told the Today show that the book doesn't include any revelations gleaned from his tour as a neighbor to the Palin family. He is, however, a character in the book, though McGinniss claims that was not his intent.
"Sarah made me a character," McGinniss said. "She's a phenomenon. I said that to Todd when he came tromping across my lawn to confront me for living next door. He said 'Why are you writing about her anyway?' I said, 'Well Todd, I've been writing about politics since 1968. Your wife is a phenomenon.
There's been no one like her in American politics before, no one who has come from nowhere to get so far.'"
He continued: "I was surprised at Sarah's reaction but it taught me something very interesting. She overreacts. She has no modulation in her responses to stress. In other words, she freaks out."
According to McGinniss, Rice, a former NBA player, said of his encounter with Palin: "In a short time, we got to know a lot about one another. It was all done in a respectful way, nothing hurried. She was a gorgeous woman, super nice. I was blown away by her. Afterward, she was a big crush that I had."
Todd Palin released a statement on Wednesday disputing McGinniss' claims, calling him, among other things, a liar and a stalker:
"I think she's going for the easy money," he said. "She's going to take the path of least resistance. I don't think that she's going to run for president."
*Here's the headline folks: "SARAH PALIN: AMERICA'S BIGGEST FRAUD."
We have been reporting on our radio show "A Political Hot Mess" (www.blogtalkradio.com/diva29), that Sarah Palin is a huge fraud. She has done nothing but make lots money off of her fifteen minutes of fame since Senator McCain chose her as his running mate in 2008.
It seems that everytime someone says something about her she gets more and more famous and ridiculous at best.
Her life since being in the spotlight has been nothing but drama, lies and ridiculous antics. On top of that, her husband a (cocain snorting dumb ass), thinks that this old fart Joe McGinnis wants his wife because of who she is...WTF! Has he gone insane or is he still snorting cocain!
At then end of the day, the truth about Sarah was bound to come out. I'm pretty sure she never wanted anyone to know she went "black" with Glen Rice. I'm pretty sure she didn't want anyone to know she was a coke-head snorting moma bear and sexing it up with black men.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure".

Diva's Nation
*Join The "Sarah Palin, Glen Rice And Joe McGinnis Conversation*
McGinniss, who spent four months living in Wasilla, Alaska, in a rented house next to Palin's, said he interviewed approximately 200 of Palin's former associates, acquaintances and friends for the 318 page tell-all. The book includes a number of bombshell claims that have already stirred wide attention, including a report that Palin snorted cocaine, and slept with former University of Michigan basketball star Glen Rice while she was a sports reporter at a local Alaskan television station.
"An utter fraud," McGinniss said of the former Alaskan governor. "An absolute and utter fraud."
McGinniss continued: "At best, she is a hypocrite. At worst, she is a vindictive hypocrite. The thing that I found that really surprised me was that the people who know her best like her least."
The segment comes a day after the National Enquirer published leaked excerpts from the book--and thereby sent the media world buzzing on Wednesday.
McGinniss told the Today show that the book doesn't include any revelations gleaned from his tour as a neighbor to the Palin family. He is, however, a character in the book, though McGinniss claims that was not his intent.
"Sarah made me a character," McGinniss said. "She's a phenomenon. I said that to Todd when he came tromping across my lawn to confront me for living next door. He said 'Why are you writing about her anyway?' I said, 'Well Todd, I've been writing about politics since 1968. Your wife is a phenomenon.
There's been no one like her in American politics before, no one who has come from nowhere to get so far.'"
He continued: "I was surprised at Sarah's reaction but it taught me something very interesting. She overreacts. She has no modulation in her responses to stress. In other words, she freaks out."
According to McGinniss, Rice, a former NBA player, said of his encounter with Palin: "In a short time, we got to know a lot about one another. It was all done in a respectful way, nothing hurried. She was a gorgeous woman, super nice. I was blown away by her. Afterward, she was a big crush that I had."
Todd Palin released a statement on Wednesday disputing McGinniss' claims, calling him, among other things, a liar and a stalker:
This is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in right next door to us to harass us and spy on us. He traffics in innuendo and falsehoods. A few years ago he interviewed members of Sarah's administration for a magazine article, and afterwards they said that he was the most disingenuous and intellectually dishonest writer they'd ever dealt with. He's spent the last year interviewing marginal figures with an axe to grind in order to churn out a hit piece to satisfy his own creepy obsession with my wife. I'd ask that people consider these facts when evaluating his latest lies. I'd ask the fathers and husbands of America to consider our privacy when one summer day I found this guy on the deck of the rental property, just 18 feet away next door to us, staring like a creep at my wife while she mowed the lawn in her shorts, unbeknownst to her that he was prying. As well as our teenage daughters while they tried to enjoy our traditional Alaskan summer days outdoors. Joe's son told the media he advised his dad not to move from the East Coast to become our next door neighbor, but said his dad 'was just waiting for Todd to be out of the picture.' Sarah has never spoken to this intruder into our lives, our friends and family don't speak to him, so we have no idea where he would come up with content for his book. He was on our doorstep one day trying to make conversation with our son until Track cut the conversation short after discerning Joe's odd behavior, and I spoke to him one time when I saw him 18 feet away, just to find out who he was. He took that conversation and reported it to the media as me 'threatening' him.
For what it's worth, McGinniss doesn't think Palin will run for president in 2012, as many have predicted."I think she's going for the easy money," he said. "She's going to take the path of least resistance. I don't think that she's going to run for president."
*Here's the headline folks: "SARAH PALIN: AMERICA'S BIGGEST FRAUD."
We have been reporting on our radio show "A Political Hot Mess" (www.blogtalkradio.com/diva29), that Sarah Palin is a huge fraud. She has done nothing but make lots money off of her fifteen minutes of fame since Senator McCain chose her as his running mate in 2008.
It seems that everytime someone says something about her she gets more and more famous and ridiculous at best.
Her life since being in the spotlight has been nothing but drama, lies and ridiculous antics. On top of that, her husband a (cocain snorting dumb ass), thinks that this old fart Joe McGinnis wants his wife because of who she is...WTF! Has he gone insane or is he still snorting cocain!
At then end of the day, the truth about Sarah was bound to come out. I'm pretty sure she never wanted anyone to know she went "black" with Glen Rice. I'm pretty sure she didn't want anyone to know she was a coke-head snorting moma bear and sexing it up with black men.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure".

I guess she is who she is, even if she was a coke-head and went "black" with Gen Rice. Now that is something "Miss goody two shoes" didn't want "the people" to know.
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Sarah Palin, Glen Rice And Joe McGinnis Conversation*
Brad Paisley to release first book Nov. 1
(AP) — Country superstar Brad Paisley is set to release his first book on Nov. 1.

Paisley tells The Associated Press he can't imagine his life if he never learned to play the guitar. His grandfather gave him his first six-string at age 8.
Paisley is the reigning Country Music Association entertainer of the year. He has sold over 11 million albums and charted 20 No. 1 singles, including his most recent duet with Carrie Underwood, "Remind Me."
The book is co-written with Rolling Stone contributing editor David Wild and published by Howard Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
*The bad boy of country music is finally telling his life story and we can't wait to read it!
Brad Paisley is one of those country muscians that has that down home feel to him. His music speaks volumes to who he really is and what being country is all about.
Country music these days is great, but country music with Brad Paisley is priceless!*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Brad Paisley" Conversation*
It's called "Diary of a Player" and shows how the guitar gods of country, blues and rock 'n' roll have shaped his life.
Paisley tells The Associated Press he can't imagine his life if he never learned to play the guitar. His grandfather gave him his first six-string at age 8.
*The bad boy of country music is finally telling his life story and we can't wait to read it!
Brad Paisley is one of those country muscians that has that down home feel to him. His music speaks volumes to who he really is and what being country is all about.
Country music these days is great, but country music with Brad Paisley is priceless!*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Brad Paisley" Conversation*
Dionne Bromfield & Tinchy Stryder - Spinnin for 2012
Diva's Nation
*Join The "Dionne Bromfield And Tinchy Stryder" Conversation*
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Census: US poverty rate swells to nearly 1 in 6
(AP) — The Census Bureau reports the number of Americans in poverty jumped to 15.1 percent in 2010, a 27-year high.
About 46.2 million people, or nearly 1 in 6, were in poverty. That's up from 43.6 million, or 14.3 percent, in 2009. It was the highest level since 1983.
The number of people lacking health insurance increased to 49.9 million, a new high after revisions were made to 2009 figures. Losses were due mostly to working-age Americans who lost employer-provided insurance in the weak economy. Main provisions of the health overhaul don't take effect until 2014.
The statistics released Tuesday cover 2010, when U.S. unemployment averaged 9.6 percent, up from 9.3 percent the previous year.
The median — or midpoint — household income was $49,445, a 2.3 decline from 2009.
*This isn't shocking at all!
We all know that many people are not working these days due this non-job economy. The only thing this report gives us is the numbers of the many who aren't working and who are poor. When we think about these numbers we should be shocked, but we are not, because more and more of us are losing jobs and going without.
As many put it, it was bound to happen due to the corruption and "I'm better than you attitude." Which is what truly brought this country to it's knees.
So when the census comes out with a report about poverty and the many that are at or below the poverty line, it's not shocking one bit because, most of us were there to begin with and are there now.*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "U.S. Census" Conversation*
*This isn't shocking at all!
We all know that many people are not working these days due this non-job economy. The only thing this report gives us is the numbers of the many who aren't working and who are poor. When we think about these numbers we should be shocked, but we are not, because more and more of us are losing jobs and going without.
As many put it, it was bound to happen due to the corruption and "I'm better than you attitude." Which is what truly brought this country to it's knees.
So when the census comes out with a report about poverty and the many that are at or below the poverty line, it's not shocking one bit because, most of us were there to begin with and are there now.*
Diva's Nation
*Join The "U.S. Census" Conversation*
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